"The world is a narrow bridge and the most important thing is to not be afraid." - Rabbi Nachman of Bretslov Pregnancy Resources SHIFRABlessings For Baby's ArrivalA Chanukah Pregnancy PrayerPregnancy PrayersJewish Pregnancy GuideNew Roots- Beyond Medicalization of Birth Imeinu DoulasReform Judaism Birth RitualsThe Role of the Jewish DoulaTzimTzum DoulaBirth StoriesFind a Local Doula Adoption & Surrogacy A Jewish BlessingJudaism & Surrogate MotherhoodArt ParentingSurrogate StepsSecond Nurture JEWISH RESOURCES FOR MISCARRIAGE AND LOSS UprootedYesh TikvahHasidahPUAHJewish Stork SupportNechama Comfort A Ritual for Healing From MiscarriageFuneral Service For a MiscarriageI Was Supposed To Have A BabyCenter For Jewish Genetics (Genetic Testing)Our Love Continues Jewish Books on Loss Tears of Sorrow, Seeds of HopeA Time To MournTo Mourn A Child Jewish Poetry on Loss Healing After A Miscarriage by Merle FeldPrayer After Loss of Pregnancy or Stillbirth by Rabbi Yael BuechlerThrough by The Velveteen Rabbi Don’t see what you’re looking for? Contact Rabbi Anna HERE for more resources.